Talking Heads.
Chris Brogan when interviewed by Guy Kawasaki on How To Change The World introduced as using “social media like podcasting and videoblogging to build relationships”. Those relationships are certianly being built in the Twitter, Facebook and yes even Jaiku.
Out of these conversations I have noticed an increase in the amount of Video Content being created over at Operator11 most notably of which are the following shows.
An open discussion every day ( 5pm my time ) with Adam and Mike picking topics and conversational points open for discussion.
Yogifish talk about life and hapiness and social issues and opens the camera for comments and views and positions from the audience.
Phil Campbell The Gravity and o2 Social Ninja
Tech talk , gadget natter and putting the social media world to rights one webpage at a time. Phil is prolific and invested in the content and the production value, I doff my hat to this guy.
The micromedia mogul, comedian and talk show host with regular guests and conversational topics Johhny if the first of the real Flatlist Celebrities.
Conversations and content for the Second Life communit with Mal Burns and Tara Yeats.Of course there is always my personal favourite
The show about the conversations.
The se conversations are growing and people are moving from talking points to talking heads. It is getting easier to create and share interesting and engaging content and its not going to be long before the advertisers and sponsors realise that the audience has long since stopped listening to one message and is instead creating its own content and conversations.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for tuning in.
Absolutely, Nic! Operator 11 is a great resource both for way to start conversations and a place to join conversations.
Hey Nick, thanks for the shoutout! and it’s “Jonny” not “Johnny” (I spell it funny, I know).
Great meeting you in person at Podcamp Boston 2.