It is Done.
So having spent several posts discussing the Ubuntu Code of Conduct I will round up the tour de conduct by following the procedure for signing the code and seeing what this changes. If you are a Ubuntu Team member then you are already familiar with Launchpad which provides a collaborative mechanism for organising teams, projects and tracking. In order to sign the Code I need to first register my openPGP keys. Now I have had a bad track record to date in managing and maintaining encrypted keys. I have lost count of the times I have registered openPGP keys against my name. If you unsure what open PGP keys and key signing means then go check Google or wikipedia because im not the least bit qualified to talk robustly on this topic. What I do know is I keep loosing track and location and content of my keys. Launchpad does however provide a good guide to creating a new key and publishing it to launchpad, and trying to follow it was not working for me. Thankfully though Adam Bagnall pointed me in the direction of Seahorse and this has enabled me to progress as far as signing the Code of conduct and becoming an Ubuntero. Though now its late and I am only just back from helping set up the
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