Day 12 : Dell Vostro v130 – Mesh Ups

I tried to tackle the music collection last week and I failed because some of my music was in DRM locked down format and because I realised that I would fix my tracks on my Vostro v130 only to have to reimport them again on my main desktop PC. What I needed was a way to synchronise my music and photo collection between the Vostro v130 and my bespoke built Windows 7 machine.


As it happens Microsoft have done a lot more work to improve the life of windows users and the Windows Live Essentials Collection ( I discussed in yesterdays article ) comes with a tool to manage the synchronisation of folders and files between one or many devices. This is like Dropbox and its not like Dropbox. Whilst there are no File  limits to how much content the machines are synchronising there is no sharing of subfolders with other accounts, at least not that I could see. Additionally Live Mesh  provides a mechanism to remote manage machines that are part of the same Windows Live Account. 

Once I had enabled and paid for iTunes plus my music was redelivered in a non DRM and higher quality format and once all those files were downloaded I could enable Windows Live Mesh and wait for the tunes to update onto this laptop before opening Zune. More on how this progresses next week. Since I plan to explore Zune and my Vostro v130 in sync with my Xbox 360 as well.


Thanks for reading.

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