
CSR not just another TLA

Corporate Social Responsibility is going to be another of those buzzwords for the Naughties. At its heart Corporate Social Responsibility is focussed on ensuring that companies are ensuring they are communicating to the community in which they operate. It should come as no suprise then that Social Media and Social Networks are the platforms of choice on which enterprise is basing its CSR messages.

In this  QIK interview with Kevin Long of JustMeans he gives a great overview as to how Corporate Social Responsibility is integrated into the Human Resources aspects of employee hire and stake holder interest. For me this seems to be a Win/Win/Win  for the potential employees, the companies and their clients with a focus on how and where to communicate as well as encouraging those companies to utilise the tools which enable their own messages to reach their audience.

You can read more about Justmeans at their blog here.

I met Kevin at the recent MediaCampLondon and like many other Unconference experiences it was the conversations in the corridors and in the spare rooms that reflected the enthusiasm and interest in sharing knowledge and ideas. It was also  a great opporunity to listen to some great ideas presented by Andy Lamb of MIcrosoft, Judith deCabbit Lewis, Vicky  Stringer aka Rosevibe , Chris Hambly organiser and SLR junky , Vero and many more whom I will apologise for not naming sooner.

Thanks for reading.

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1 Comments on “CSR not just another TLA

  1. Nik,

    Great video of Kevin! Thanks for posting it. Beyond the talent/human resources aspect of JustMeans, I wanted to let you know about our other core service areas. We are primarily a communications platform for social responsibility dialogue. We recently launched our All Things Reconsidered blog that aggregates the voices of social responsibility and stimulates conversation. From the tech aspect of JustMeans, we also offer social media web build outs for companies and organizations.

    Thanks again for learning about JustMeans. Stay in touch!

    Ashley Fidel
    JustMeans New York Associate