
Your website in 60 Seconds.

That time of the week rolls around once more and I contemplate about the next peice of Open Source software that I can introduce to my BNI Chapter members. It has proven to be one of the most useful tools in altering a persons perception about what Free and Open Source software can offer them. Ive not always been able to find the right tool for the job but so far Id like to feel im locating 95% of my recommendations from the Free and open pool. If you know of any other good free and open source packages I can promote then let me know. Im using TheOpenCD and Download.com as a point of reference and of course I take time to remind people of OpenOffice, Firefox and thunderbird. In the meanwhile the Friday morning meeting sees me present the Nvu package, which offers a website authoring tool for all the platforms that is positioned as an alternative to Dreamweaver and Coffeecup. Im no designer ( you can tell that I love wordpress ) but in the initial playing with the product it feels slick and well implemented and it is one im happy to promote at these early morning sales meetings we call BNI.

Again just a reminder if your Self Employed and running a business and promoting Linux then find your local BNI chapter and go visit they just love to hear about good quality free stuff so lets make sure its quality good free stuff. Or if your local to Gatwick send me a message and come as a visitor.

Thanks for reading.

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